The essential personality of Titanium

Alphabet Design presents the unmistakable letter vase in the contemporary titanium black metallic finish: a high-quality, solvent-free and environmentally friendly painting, which gives these Letter Flower Vase a bold appearance and enchances their distinctive characteristics.

The combination of dark shades and bright metallic reflections ensure that every indoor environment has an atmosphere of mystery and refinement, a pure minimalism that always evokes a sense of distinction.


Thehand-blown glass ampoule completes this modern furnishing object, ideal for those who love clean lines, trasparency and the sinuousness of reflections. 

The metallic black mixed with the vivid colours and vibrant softness of the flowers is the perfect key to a fresh and designer interiors.

The Letter Flower Vases of the Titanium Line are available in the sizes  HT 20 cm - DPT 4 cm and thanks to the small magnetes supplied they can be personalized with photos and notes, making the communication experience even more particular, personal ad dynamic.

Furniture, complements ad accessories reflect the passions, experience and history of each home: the Letter Flower vase are the "letters" that make uo this story, they enrich the style of the interiors and with their strong identifying value they tell something about us lives.
Choose your letter fron our Titanium Line and express your emotions!